Archive forum posts and turn off ability to add additional comments
Gary Simon
Would be nice to have an archive for old posts that would retain the discussion chain but not allow further comments to be added. The only choice today seems to actually delete them when they are no longer as relevant or the topic has been beaten to death.
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Bo Tumasz
Provide capability to delete all posts that are no longer active (i.e. posts that have no comments in the last "x" months)
Meredith Owens
Bo Tumasz: Administrators with the "pages" privilege and page editors on a forum page currently have this capability!
On this page, you can select to manage the topics and comments. Here, you can view when a topic was posted and how long it's been since the last comments were added. From there, you can delete specific comments or the topic and all of its corresponding comments.
Bo Tumasz
Meredith Owens Can a homeowner, not an admin, BLOCK, not delete, posts or comments from a poster?
Meredith Owens
Bo Tumasz: If you'd like to restrict a member from accessing and posting to the page, only an administrator with the "pages" privilege has that ability.
Mateo Manzari
Archival would be great. If not, a mass purge or purge by date second best. At minimum, provide a select function with checkboxes to delete more than one topic at a time.
Bo Tumasz
By mistake, topics may get deleted. It would be nice to restore from archive.
Scott Erpelding
Many times we use a forum to get information from our members. At some point we need to close the addition of new items, but keep the forum available for review. Whether that be read only or just stop new posts.
Bphoa Webmaster
Also would be nice to archive old news posts (organized into sub folders by year, etc.)
Meredith Owens
Bphoa Webmaster: I’m afraid we don’t have plans to develop this functionality for the reasons provided in this closed post:
Steven Gilbert
I agree that archiving old posts is a needed feature. Several owners have requested to review old postings.
Chris Miller
I would really like to have the ability to close posts for additional comments. We just one go off the rails because different members decided to take offense to various comments. We just want to add a comment to clarify the points and go back to Defcon 5 and close the post for additional comments
Debbie Gibson
I would also like to see the ability to archive old posts and like the idea of not allowing further comments after a point. Having an archive of posts, though, would be invaluable.
Meredith Owens
Merged in a post:
Turn off comments for a forum topic
Web Team Villages of Long Point Bay
Ability to turn off the ability to add comments on a forum topic.
Meredith Owens
Merged in a post:
Ability to archive or transfer Community Forum topics
Gary Tiffany
We've recently started using the Forum page for Community Comments. As discussions run their course, i. e., no new discussion on the topic for weeks, I'd like to be able to preserve the submitted comments on another page or in an archive so they can be referred back to in the future to see how people commented on a topic. Currently, we are deleting the original comment once discussion drops off, but that means we also lose all the related comments. Other than manually copying the comments to an offline source first, we see no way to preserve them for future reference.
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