Resident/community management software
Meredith Owens
Our current objective is to create and improve upon the world's greatest community website builder. Over the years, we've had many communities request features that fall under the umbrella of resident or community management software. This is a separate industry from the one our company falls into, although we do see the similarities. There are a number of companies that provide this type of software, and they generally don't compete with website builders.
Some examples of features that fall under management software include:
- Task/project tracking, usually tied to form submissions (maintenance requests, work orders, ARC requests, etc.)
- Reservation system, usually for amenities
- Resident billing (assessing fines, tracking payments made outside the website, sending notices of payments due, due dates, late fees, etc.)
- Financial tools (accounting tools, vendor payments, etc.)
- Document storage (bulk uploading/downloading of files, data retention policies, etc.)
- Anonymous violation tracking
While management software is on our radar, it's not the industry we're currently in. Still, we'll use this post to gather thoughts, ideas, and comments from customers in case we decide to head that direction in the future.
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Donna Furnari
I just want the ability to send emails for billing through QuickBooks. If HOA-Express would look at allowing users to have Google Workspace, my issue would be resolved.
Kirk Flippo
While we use external bookkeeping and vendor payments, and we understand this is not management software, it still would be great if HOA Express would just add a little extra functionality to the payment system, namely: 1) Have the ability to charge credit card fees and bank fees separately for any payment created; 2) Have the ability to note on HOA Express if an external payment was made (to turn off the notification bell for members) for a given payment; and 3) The ability to make a payment option that only certain members can see (so we can collect fines, fees or a different payment plan from members).
Wes Cossick
Kirk Flippo: Regarding suggestion 3, we have an open post for this feature request, which I've added your vote to:
Meredith Owens
Merged in a post:
Maintenance status spreadsheet
Stacey Welchley
We need a way to display a running maintenance status spreadsheet.
With fields for:
Date Submitted, Location, Description, Priority Level, Status, Notes
This would give better visibility to all owners as to what the property board/management team is tracking and most current status of each item.
Mike Segroves
Meredith, For the past 6 years I've lived in a community that used a competing product that is both a website builder and community management package. While they offer a lot of features, the product is overkill for many communities. In July I moved to a new community and I've been reacquainting myself HOA-Express. I'm impressed with the changes you've made over the last several years and I'm looking forward to the new platform you have coming. I would strongly urge you to stick with what you know. You're doing a great job.
Nolan Madson
Once again the issue of a reservation system has come to our HOA's Board's attention since Skedda eliminated a free tier version of their product. While we believe this feature would be of value to our members, we're not willing to pay more for this feature alone than we pay annual for our website. For smaller HOAs like ours, we think that adding this one feature would keep HOA Express in the top tier of service providers to an HOA.
Meredith Owens
Merged in a post:
Allow private member notes
Mitchell Hughes
Creating notes for members that are private to allowed users (typically board of directors would be very beneficial for such things as tracking families that need assistance due to age or medical condition, history of liens filed, or potential future board members, etc..
Jan Van der Loos
Doc storage, bulk, owner related, will be great. Also to construct an estoppel for new owners.
Meredith Owens
Merged in a post:
Fine individual members
Ruth Dailey
Provide the ability to fine individual members for breach of rules.
Can we setup online payment to specific account for the purposes of payment of fines
Meredith Owens
Ruth Dailey: Would you please explain your request further? How would you like that capability to function within the online payments feature?
Ruth Dailey
Meredith Owens we give fines to owners that breach the rules. The fines are $25 or $50. Right now they need to write a check. I will like to setup an online payment just for that owner
Meredith Owens
Ruth Dailey: Thank you for clarifying this! Fining an individual owner would fall under resident management software, which is another request we have open. Therefore, I'll merge these posts so we can consider them together!
Meredith Owens
Merged in a post:
Scheduling tool
Larry Parks
Does HOA Express have a calendar scheduler functionality like "Doodle" that facilitates finding a date/time for a meeting for the Association board or committee when everyone is on different calendaring systems. Some are on Apple calendars, others on Google, Outlook, etc. I take literally dozens of emails floating back and forth to schedule meetings for 4-6 people.
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