Purchase more email account storage
Meredith Owens
Provide communities with the ability to purchase additional storage space beyond 8 GB per email account.
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Donna Keener
I'm not sure how to check our current usage, but this is important to us to have as a record, so I would be all for paying if additional storage is needed
Meredith Owens
Donna Keener: You can find instructions for how to see how much storage you have left on each email account here: https://help.hoa-express.com/en/articles/2347230-email-account-storage-space
Jan Van der Loos
No need yet. Still in the process to get the members on board.
Becky Hull
This would be a useful addition.
Michael Kammer
This seems like a reasonable request and optional expense supported by HO Express given the opportunity and potential needs for community’s which relay heavily on email communication.
William Nisley
yes! I recently requested increased email storage and was told no can do. With most email containing attachments, I quickly reach the 8 GB limit (in the range of 6 months of email) and remotely archiving email is very time consuming. I get 200 GB of file storage from Apple for $2.99 per month. Certainly HOA Express could easily increase in box storage as well as additional file storage i.e., I currently store 12.5 GB of data/files for my Association on my iCloud.