Calendar syncing
Meredith Owens
Allow the “Calendar” page type to be synced to a third party calendar clients, like a mobile phone's calendar app.
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Meredith Owens
Merged in a post:
Provide a Method to Connect Mobile Devices to Community Calendars
Michael Arnold
My community is new to HOA Express and we used to provide calendar events via a linked Google calendar. This allowed members to subscribe their mobile device to the calendar and have it merge events into their phone's calendar app. Everything would appear in a single view so that members can plan their community and personal time appropriately.
iCalendar/iCal or possibly CalDAV might be used here.
Meredith Owens
Merged in a post:
Publish Calendar to ical
Kamal Gupta
Allow members to subscribe to calendars in Google Calendar or other services via ical.
Deena Gentle
Our members would better utilize and appreciate the calendar(s) if it could be linked to their personal digital calendars. Please consider this upgrade SOON! Thanks
David Laflamme
Yes, PLEASE bring your site calendar up to modern standards. I'm shopping for HOA site management solutions and you look great...except for this very basic function missing. I'm surprised to find this particular business requirement on my list missing because it is so basic and (I thought!) universal. Users should be able to subscribe to the HOA calendar when logged in. If they cannot do this, it seriously impacts participation in events and meetings.
Steve Crooks
It looks like this might cover three different desires (all based on the widely used calendaring standard):
* Provide a link on each HOA Express calendar entry to add that specific event to a personal calendar.
* Provide a link to an HOA Express calendar as a whole so it can be subscribed to inside whatever calendar app a user wants to use.
* Provide a mechanism to hook an HOA Express calendar to an external calendar maintained elsewhere.
I am interested in all 3 of these and want to ensure they're all covered here.
Meredith Owens
Merged in a post:
Option to add events to personal calendars
Kevin Adler
Add the option for users to add a calendar item to their personal calendars (iphone, outlook, gmail) by "downloading to your personal calendar" click.
Michael Kammer
A download link in the event notification email, so attendees can add events to iCal, Outlook, or Google Calendar would be a great straightforward addition to event messaging.
I see this is not a unique request, but it would be a great feature.
Example: Event Espresso 4 provides one-way integration with iCal compatible calendars, including Google Calendar, Apple Calendar, Microsoft Outlook, etc. Using the Event Espresso 4 iCal feature, event attendees can quickly add events they have registered for to their personal calendar. The iCal download link includes details such the date and time of the event, venue name, and venue location, etc. That information is then added to the customer’s personal calendar.
Kelly Clemons
yes! please! we get residents telling us all the time they forgot about events we published because they weren't on their personal calendars.
Aggie Mitchard
Our community folks have asked for this function as well!
John Grimanis
ABSOLUTELY add this feature - many people only want to use 1 calendar and have it auto-populate with new appointments or events.
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