Allow members to add calendar events
Craig Wirtz
Allow admins to enable an optional calendar setting to allow member-submitted content on the "Calendar" page. This would work similarly to the "Photo Gallery" page feature, where members could add an event and manage only the events they add. Administrators and page editors would still be able to moderate the page by editing/removing all events that are added.
Allow members to add events to the calendar instead of just admins.
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Kate Camber
This functionality is HUGELY important to our community. Honestly, it's a deal breaker.
Daniel MacIntosh
I wish this add more recent activity. Or information about future plans that will address this through other means.
Meredith Owens
Daniel MacIntosh: We appreciate you checking in on the status of this request. Our product team's current primary goal is finishing developing our next gen front ends. This is an enormous project for our team, as it's a total rewrite of the existing front ends using new cutting-edge technology and design. We've prioritized this because improving the front ends considerably allows us to release new features, like this one, faster. More information is available about this here:
Since starting this, our product team has already made significant progress by releasing the Admin Portal, developing a page management experience in the Admin Portal, and updating our company website. The last major piece of this project is developing the new front ends for our community websites. That will allow us to make updates like this one to the "Calendar" page type.
While we don't have a set timeframe for developing this particular feature request yet, since your vote has been added to the post, you'll be notified via email when we update its status.
Meredith Owens
Merged in a post:
Calendar Permissions
Clara Smith
It would be useful if a member or group could add an event to the calendar without having to ask an admin or someone with calendar editing privileges to do so. To do so today, I have to give full calendar editing rights to a member or group which can be inappropriate and risky. Today, if an event needs to be changed for some reason, the event host again has to find someone with permissions to modify the calendar. It would be better to let a member create a calendar event/notice and, as the owner of the event, be granted permissions to modify or delete it while still being restricted from changing/deleting other calendar events.
Meredith Owens
Merged in a post:
Deleting Calendar Events
Clara Smith
Regular (non-admin) members are able to create calendar events without special privileges. That's fine, but it should not be possible for another member to modify or delete an event that he/she didn't create.
Meredith Owens
Merged in a post:
Allow members to populate events on calendar
Lynette Burgert
Ability to create a form for residents to complete that will populate to the calendar available on the website.
We currently use a separate site for a form that uploads to an external calendar. We then have the calendar set up as a link.
Mike Roth
GREAT IDEA, less work for Admin. Members makes suggestion(populates all fields) , admin approves or denys
Michael Kammer
I believe it to be a great idea 💡. However, a webmaster or designated individual (authorization rights) would approve submissions prior to being published in the calendar. The current calendar “additions” are already set up in a “form”. Positive control regarding calendar additions or editing can still be maintained by the webmaster.
I thought about this a couple months ago, while editing/ adding events submitted via email.
Michael Kammer
Especially if the people creating the events are Committee Chairs (or their designee). This could easily apply to Board Events, Social Events, Book Club, etc.
Chris Juzda
Sorry. No way would we support residents to randomly make changes or additions to the calendar
Michael Kammer
Chris Juzda: Just a thought for consideration. You do not let random people make accounts on the website (new account approvals). The same or similar process could be used for calendar edits/ updates
Chris Juzda
Michael Kammer: I didn’t mean random people. I meant random residents. If an admin would have to approve anyway this is just adding another layer. We just assign someone as a calendar contact person. It’s different in different communities but any scheduled activity has to be approved. It’s less work to have the activity properly approved and scheduled instead of having it approved or modified after the fact.
Michael Kammer
Chris Juzda: I guess we agree, a new or edited calendar event must be approved prior to posting in the calendar. There is nothing in this narrative describing approval after the fact.
Evelyn Moist
I believe that "Admin" should control the calendar. If you do create the availability for residents to populate the calendar, please make sure that there is an option for the website administrator to be able to toggle that on or off. Thanks!
Vicki Pappas
Evelyn Moist:Yes. Absolutely!
Jamie Kinn
Sorry, but NO THANKS! Sure wouldn't want "just anyone" adding to the Calendar, LOL!
Vicki Pappas
Jamie Kinn: agree
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