Add the ability to edit forum posts
John (Chip) Voss
Currently, it is not possible to edit forum entries. As a result the only way to correct entries is to completely delete the entry and re-enter.
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Sherry Stern
Adding my voice / vote to allow forum posts to be edited.
Jeremy Kaplan
Voicing my support for this as well! Our HOA president is not particularly tech savvy. I spent an hour walking him through the site, helping him build a forum post, adding images, etc. When he saw that he couldn't edit the post, I could tell he wasn't planning to go through it again. :-(
Barbara Griffith
The most annoying part is that when we do delete a comment and repost a new one, the original comment is replaced by "Comment deleted." There's no reason for a comment to have to leave its trail, and others who read it will probably not assume it was just the admin revising information or correcting an error. It might look as if the admin has deleted someone else's undesirable comment. It makes zero sense. I can edit a news article any time I want, but I can't change a forum comment once it's been set in stone.
Meredith Owens
Barbara Griffith: I'd be happy to explain why the "Comment deleted" text is included in place of what was there. Without the “Comment deleted” text, those trying to follow the context of a forum conversation wouldn’t know comments had been removed, and it wouldn’t make sense why people were responding in the way that they were. For that reason, I’m afraid we don’t have plans to remove that text on the forum thread.
In general, comments shouldn’t be deleted unless they violate a rule, are off-topic, or are inappropriate. Deleting comments can remove valuable context for understanding how a conversation reached the current point.
Therefore, if you have members who are primarily deleting these, we recommend adding some text to the top of your forum page discouraging them from doing that unless absolutely necessary.
Barbara Griffith
Meredith Owens
I respectfully reject this whole argument.
Each individual community site has an admin, who I assume is a responsible adult, capable of making decisions for their own community. The HOA Express overseers do not know the individual communities and should not make general policies which limit how each admin is able to manage his/her own site.
How is it HOA Express's right to be sure readers have context for the discussion? Also, there is more to context than just what appears in a conversation; there's background knowledge which the admin has and which would determine how comments need to be treated.
If a community site violates HOA Express's standards, that admin should receive a warning and ultimately a cancellation if warnings are not sufficient. But there is no reason for us to need to be policed when making decisions about handling our own community's comments.
Meredith Owens
Barbara Griffith: To clarify, HOA Express isn't the one deleting those comments. Rather, when a comment is removed by the member who posted it, an administrator, or a page editor on the forum, the "Comment deleted" text is displayed to indicate that a comment was previously posted there.
Indicating that a comment has been deleted in a forum setting is an industry-standard practice for the reasons outlined in my previous message.
Barbara Griffith
Meredith Owens I understand. I didn’t say HOA Express was deleting comments. Thank you for considering this needed change.
Meredith Owens
Merged in a post:
Edit a Community Forum post
Vince McGowan
Currently one is able to delete their post to the Community Forum, but there is no ability to edit a post. Instead one must delete and re-enter which would trigger a new email to the community.
Bryan Cronin
This feature is probably number one on our wish list.
Barbara Griffith
Bryan Cronin It's definitely number 1 on my wish list!
Phil Wright
When will this get fixed? Having to delete a forum thread because the content of the original post is no longer valid or contains an expired link isn't acceptable.
Meredith Owens
Phil Wright: I'm afraid we don't have an estimated timeframe set for developing this yet. However, knowing this is an important capability for your community to have available is something we'll keep in mind when prioritizing this.
In the meantime, your vote has been added to this post, so you'll be notified via email whenever we update its status!
Steve Crooks
I had another user complaining about having to copy/delete/paste/fix again. Editing is a must. I think some people don't want to use the forums because of this.
Meredith Owens
Merged in a post:
Editing new topic in Forum
Kevin Lemire
I do not understand the ability to NOT be able to edit the first post in a Forum.
Many times as the event draws closer, the need to edit and change information is typically required. The ability for the Admin to not be able to edit the original post does not make any sense.
Please allow the Forum Admin to edit at least the original new post information in the forum. Even better, allow the Admin not edit/delete ANY post in the Forum thread for a topic.
Meredith Owens
Merged in a post:
Ability to edit forum posts
Kevin Lemire
Would be nice if folks who posted in the forum can edit their post rather than having to delete the post altogether and re-add/re-edit. Also ability for the Forum Admin to edit posts in the forum would be a great feature.
Beechwood Homes
Please figure out a way to allow people to go back and edit their posts on the forum. This is a big issue amongst our users.
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